The Scarlet Brigade Band Booster organization is primarily a parent-based group dedicated to providing volunteers and raising funds to support and maintain a quality Band program at Fairfield High School. The boosters are governed by an Executive Board that meets regularly to plan, and manage the business affairs of the non-profit organization.
A general membership meeting, open to all Band parents, alumni parents, and interested individuals, is usually held the fourth Monday of every month. Parents are encouraged to attend the meetings as these are often the best way for you to find out what about the latest news about the Band and its activities. The meeting is also an opportunity to socialize with other Band parents and alumni parents and ask questions of the Band Director.
Our Mission Statement
The Scarlet Brigade Boosters Club of Fairfield High School is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation formed in 1975 in the State of California whose primary purposes are to promote and encourage the education and associated activities of the Scarlet Brigade Band students and performing groups of the Fairfield High School Music Department.
Our goals are to provide financial support to the band program through fundraising, to encourage students to strive for excellence in the art of music and develop band spirit, to give optimistic and positive support to the Band Director and all members of the band and to develop community awareness of the efforts of the band students and appreciation for their achievements.
A general membership meeting, open to all Band parents, alumni parents, and interested individuals, is usually held the fourth Monday of every month. Parents are encouraged to attend the meetings as these are often the best way for you to find out what about the latest news about the Band and its activities. The meeting is also an opportunity to socialize with other Band parents and alumni parents and ask questions of the Band Director.
Our Mission Statement
The Scarlet Brigade Boosters Club of Fairfield High School is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation formed in 1975 in the State of California whose primary purposes are to promote and encourage the education and associated activities of the Scarlet Brigade Band students and performing groups of the Fairfield High School Music Department.
Our goals are to provide financial support to the band program through fundraising, to encourage students to strive for excellence in the art of music and develop band spirit, to give optimistic and positive support to the Band Director and all members of the band and to develop community awareness of the efforts of the band students and appreciation for their achievements.